Thursday, November 4, 2010

Black Cat

This is a new builder I've been looking at the last few days. Todd does some truly amazing stuff out of Santa Cruz. I loves me a fillet brazed frame and he's got a nice mix of it and tasteful lugs happening. He also uses swinger dropouts which I'm really liking. Probably the coolest thing about this guy is that he does his own paint. I believe he farms out the base powder coating but then he comes back and does all the crazy stenciling, pinstriping and more unusual stuff you see. This is one of 2 frames that he just finished that are heading to Japan.

I like the fact that no two of his down tubes look the same in terms of art. He doesn't have a website but he does have a blog that I'm gonna check regularly now. He's completely a one man operation.

Wonderful job on the stays.

I've seen a few lugs that he did custom cut outs to and they really are attractive.

I wish I was loaded. Ya much as I really like the stuff that Independent Fabrications churns out, I really don't think it holds a candle to Todd's stuff. Maybe one day. Check out his stuff at

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