Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Yesterday I went back in to have the other root canal done. I'm pretty sure I was given crack prior to them starting. I was conscious the entire time but I can't recall a damn thing. Whatever narcotic it was, it was GOOD. I remember the first injection and then telling the nurse to slow his roll cuz I didn't have anything cued up on the ipod. Apparently that wouldn't be an issue as some nice lady gently removed my eye glasses and took said ipod. I think I said something like, "Hey...." and then 2 hours later he brought me back, tossed me in a wheelchair and someone, I'm pretty sure it was Heather, drove home. I can't even tell you what the hell happened last night. I remember sitting in a chair for a bit trying to follow SPOT's for the Tour Divide and watch my friend Marshal being interviewed. That's it though.

Heather did mention that I was attempting to do what looked like text messaging when she came back out from the smoothie place. I can't find my phone right now but if you were a lucky recipient of such a text....I can only hope it was appropriate or that it wasn't even remotely comprehensible.


Scott said...

Don't worry brother, it wasn't remotely comprehensible :)

Pedal Brake Pedal by TK said...

you texted me. it was a nice text. i love you too, man!


Chris said...

Looks like you 2 were the only lucky ones.