Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Not so slim

Would you believe that I am now flirting with 175 pounds? I haven't touched a weight up top but I know I've bulked up just a tad there. I can't seem to walk near a gym without gaining weight there. Most of it is down low. A few gals I worked with years ago joked that my wallet made my butt. I actually have some dress pants that are beginning to get a little toit back there now because of the extra junk in the trunk. I've also put weight on in the thighs and especially in the calves. 2 years ago at a race back in Missouri my friend Dan asked about my calf implants. Not sure what impact it will have once I start riding full time again but I figure I'll at least be able to cut off a piece and fry it up if I get stranded in the middle of nowhere.

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