Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hanging out

I know this sounds terrible you ever laugh when you see someone fall down? I find it to be hysterical. Usually the person will fight the fall as long as possible but that only makes the show better. When they finally hit the deck they generally spring up and look around to see if anyone saw the mishap. Don't get me wrong...I took a tumble off some ice covered steps when I lived in St. Louis. I was on my way to a job interview and I landed flat on my back. Papers and resume came fluttering down. I didn't even know what hit me. Dazed, I got up, both hands bleeding, and saw my neighbor staring at me. It had to be funny. Obviously if someone truly gets hurt, it takes some of the buzz out of it. However, when there are no's game on.

I have been laughing about this for days now and I can't stop. Some of you may have already seen this but others may not have. Apparently this guy fell out of a chairlift at Vail and he got all hung up. He winds up upside down as the lift is carrying him away. Now that's pretty embarassing already but it gets better. the midst of the tumble, he must have snagged his pants. So his pants came down....errrr....up. In addition to the pants...his underpants also got caught up. So this guy's dangling upside down with his pants and underpants around his ankles and his hardware......hanging. He hangs upside down for 7-15 minutes before the lift is reversed and he is brought back down and tended to. During this entire time...the guys kid is sitting in the chairlift watching it all.

Some photographer that works for a subcontractor to Vail was taking pics of it all. The photog has already been fired from Sharpshooter and I'm sure there's a lawsuit coming. I don't know why I find this to be som humurous but I do. I've been called a jerk and worse before and I know I can be one. It's still damn funny to me. How the pants AND underpants came off is beyond me. It almost defies the laws of physics. Did he suffer from frostbite? Regardless....he looks to be ass out for now. The Rocky Mountain News didn't have any pics of the incident but you can find them here.

If the story or my finding it funny offends you....I'm not sure what to tell ya.

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