Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dinner...not so much

I'm gonna be vague here. We stopped in a restaurant up here in Woodland for a bite to eat (we never do this cuz there just aint much up here). As we were at the front going over the menu, I happened to notice 2 employees (1 was a manager) chatting by the cash register. However weird, I happened to glance over at the exact moment when one of them (not the manager) had a.........line of spiddle come out of his mouth that made me wonder if he had just come from the dentist. It was unreal. Time froze and it fell out of the mouth. I thikn it skimmed the chin during the fall. It landed on the keyboard. In slow motion he started to to look up at me as he was wiping his chin and I turned and ran home. If you live in tha Dub P and wanna know where this happened....ask.

1 comment:

Pedal Brake Pedal by TK said...

on time deanna and i ate at a place in soulard. about halfway through, i noticed a roach carcass on the ledge next to our table. kinda killed the mood. now we call the place "la roachens".