Monday, May 12, 2008

What are you doing tomorrow?

Tuesday, May 13 is National Livestrong Day. There will be more than 600 cancer awareness and fundraising events taking place all over this country. Every staff member (except one guy who will be updating the Livestrong Blog all day) will be attending a different event. Even Lance will be visiting a few of them. Tomorrw is a day when the LAF wants the entire country's eyes to be focused on the cancer fight. You can check here for updates all day long as LAF staff check in. If you want/can become more involved, here's what you can do to help:

1. Try to attend a Livestrong event.

2. Make a donation. (A huge thank you to all of you that have donated to my event already. I'm stunned at how much has been raised already.)

3. Wear something yellow.

I know I'll make extra time during home room tomorrow to talk about this with my students.

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