This bike's been around for a while because I think it's a cool frame, it's made from Columbus tubing and you don't see a ton of production steel bikes anymore, and it belonged to my good friend Adam but I essentially stole it from him when I moved out here since I no longer had any bikes. The fork is an absolute nightmare. I keep no less than 200psi in the thing. It's positively bone jarring. It's like a really heavy rigid fork. I've been on the hunt for a nicer cro-mo fork for it for a long time but the steer tube is almost 9". Tim also sent me a new Salsa Pro Moto bar so that went on to replace the ones I bent from a bar end mishap since I'm off bar ends right now. I also threw on some Ergons that I've had laying around for a while. The jury is still out on whether or not the suspension seatpost will go on or not.
There's a 115 mile race in Durango next month that's part of the Colorado Endurance Series. I was planning on doing as much of the series as possible. I don't want to build the Orbea back up and I don't think I wanna go 115 on one gear so the green bike will get the nod. There is an option for 160 but...that's just wrong. The course is all gravel roads and it's supposed to be fast because they use magnesium chloride on the roads in the winter. I have no clue what this means but if it will make me travel at supersonic speeds then I hope they dump liberal amounts of it on the roads. I'm also hoping there isn't much snow because...that could be wrong too.
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