Thursday, September 24, 2009


I probably should be on the road already but I'm not. I have been looking forward to going on this hike for weeks now. I always feel so bad when I take off work to do something fun. I mean getting a colonoscopy is one thing but actually going somewhere beautiful just feels wrong. It's been so busy at work and, while I'm not a miracle worker or anything special, I guess I always feel like my students need me. Because I've been so busy all week, I didn't have a chance to get any gear together. So I just got everything ready to go. I'd love to head out now. It's about 4 hours to get to the trailhead and it would rock to hike in by headlamp but I probably wouldn't make camp until sunrise. I think I'll wait until the morning and then head up. The weather advisory is over and Scott called me this morning at the trailhead and said things didn't look all that bad so we'll be staying up around 10,500' and then fish any of the 4 lakes near our little base camp. I can't wait.

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