Monday, October 20, 2008

I hiked up to this lake yesterday with 2 buddies to fish it before things freeze over. This is at about 12,300'.

We saw about 10 mountain goats. There are 2 pairs of them in this picture. An adult and a younger one are on the right side. They are directly to the left of the "F" shaped area of snow. The other 2 are a little higher and all the way on the left side of the picture just below the large rock face. We watched these guys for 30 minutes as they walked around the side of the mountain with ease. This particular area was really steep and loose. It's amazing to watch them.

I think we were probably 3-4 weeks late to fish the lake as the fish were hunlered down deep and out of reach of our fly rods. After 4 hours we decided to head back down and fish some of the tiny streams. This is one of the greenback cutthroat that we caught. These are the most beautiful fish I think I've caught. They're neck and neck with brook trout but very rare and you have to usually put in a hard effort to get to them. They are also federally protected so guys usually keep their locations on the down low.

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