Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Still Here

Things have been busy lately. Dharma will be 11 in just a few months and, unfortunately, her age is catching up with her. For a couple of weeks now se has been limping around and we feared that she had torn her ACL. The Vet confirmed it and we scheduled her surgery. I was a nervous wreck. The Vet was awesome. He let me drop her off right when they were ready for her so that she wouldn't have to be in a crate in an unfamiliar place. He even let me stay while they prepped her and started the anesthesia. It was very hard to see. As soon as she was out I went back to work but they called within the hour and were done. They had her on this bed and under a blanket when I got there and she was just coming out of it. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth and she was clueless.  

She was pretty non-responsive at this point. Just looked around once in a while but mostly stared off. I laid on the concrete floor next to her for an hour and a half until she was ready to go home. By this point she was crying a lot.

This was the brunt of the pain.

This was a tumor that the Vet found and removed.

This is my baby with her hood on. I hate doing this to her but I do when we're at work. It's been a week now and she's starting to put some pressure on the leg.

This ordeal was quite scary for me. I'm not ready to not have this dog around. She changed my life.

1 comment:

Pedal Brake Pedal by TK said...

Take care of that hunk of burnin' love. I'm convinced that they know how much we need them. They keep going sometimes just because of us. Make every day count, because she certainly is.
